Diabetes Can damage your eyes. Your eyes are most important organ. So you should be aware of diabetes. Let us have a look on eyes.Your eye has a lens and an aperture (opening) at the front, whichbrings objects into focus on the retina at the back of the eye. Theretina is made up of a delicate tissue that is sensitive to light,like film in the old cameras before the digital age.At the center of the retina is the macula which is a small areaabout the size of a pinhead. This is the most highly specializedpart of the retina and it is vital because it enables us to seefine detail to read small print. The other parts of the retina giveus side vision (peripheral vision). The rest of the eye in front ofthe retina is a clear jelly-like substance called the vitreoushumour. Diabetes can affect the eye in a number of ways. These usuallyinvolve the fine network of blood vessels in the retina - the mostsever condition that can occur is diabetic retinopathy.Affect - Temporary blurringYour vision may become blurred for a few days or weeks while yourdiabetes is first being controlled. This is due to the swelling ofthe lens of the eye.Affect - CataractThis can occur in two forms:Young people with diabetes can develop a special type of cataract.Although their vision gets worse, it can be restored by surgery;older people with diabetes can be especially prone to developingcataracts. Cataracts can be successfully removed by surgery andusually it is possible to insert a lens implant. This procedure isnot for everyone.Affect - Diabetic retinopathyThe most serious diabetic eye condition involves the retina and iscalled diabetic retinopathy. This condition is very common inpeople who have had diabetes for a long time. Your doctor may beable to see abnormalities in your eyes, but there is no threat toyour sight.There are two types of diabetic retinopathy which can damage yoursight. Both involve the fine network of blood vessels in theretina. They are described below.Type 1 - MaculopathyThis happens when the blood vessels in the retina start to leak. Ifthe macula is affected, you will find that your central visiongradually gets worse. You may find it difficult to recognizepeople's faces in the distance or to see details like small print.The amount of central vision that is lost varies from person toperson. However everyday sight for getting around the house andoutside (navigation vision) will be preserved. It is quite rare forsomeone with maculopathy to lose all their sight.Type 2 - Proliferative diabetic retinopathySometimes diabetes can cause the blood vessels in the retina tobecome blocked. If this happens then new blood vessels form in theeye. This is nature's way of trying to repair the damage so thatthe retina has a new blood supply.Unfortunately these new blood vessels are weak. They are also inthe wrong place - growing on the surface of the retina and into thevitreous jelly. As a result these blood vessels can bleed veryeasily and cause scar tissue to form in the eye. The scarring pullsand distorts the retina. When the retina is pulled out of positionthis is called retinal detachment. This condition is more rare thanbackground retinopathy and is more often found in people who havebeen insulin dependent for many years. The new blood vessels willrarely affect your vision, but their consequences, such as bleedingor retinal detachment can cause your vision to get worse suddenly.Your eyesight may become blurred and patchy as the bleedingobscures part of your vision. Without treatment, total loss ofvision can happen in proliferative retinopathy.Although your vision may be good, changes can be taking place toyour retina that needs treatment. Most sight loss in diabetes ispreventable: early diagnosis is vital have an eye examination every year do not wait until your vision has deteriorated to havean eye test.Your family doctor or optometrist can examine for diabeticretinopathy. Remember, however, that if your vision is getting worse, this doesnot necessarily mean you have diabetic retinopathy. It may simplybe a problem that can be corrected by glasses.
( courtsey: Julia Hanf)
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