Women is generally treated as helping hand as well as attender either to the male or to the family wherein she belongs to.In practice we are accustomed to se that,the women should remain always ‘beck and call’ to someone of the family members concerned. We do prefer to see a women to be so. Women would persue all common duties and responsibilities of the family which could be shared by the other male members of that family easily.Entire load and pressure,is shouldered by the women silently and without any confrontation. Such inhuman practices have been going on and well conceded in our advanced society still, like a legislative phenomenon.
Such oppressive behaviour on the womanhood is happened profusely in both under-developed and developping countries, where poverty is stretching all over the society. Women is considered to be a relieable input in the process of family return. In lieu of providing insufficient meals for day and night,women are engaged in family works.But it is true, tht the major numbes of r women do the doable works for their family spontaneously which could be mentioned as their inherent attribution.Usually, they do not y ccount for any overworks as they perform, comparing with other male members of the family concerned. In the under-developed and developing countries, where poverty is,a common phenomenon to manyone’s life. Female children are involved in various domestic works and even in any parental agricultural works or any other business if any instead of providing any primary education to them which is utmost essential indeed.Entire childhood of female children in poverty proned family, pass away silently without further any development either physically or mentally too. These innocent female children, ultimately become ‘ pet beast’ (animal) of the male dominant society in future. They have been shaped up so, could be driven according to need and desire oh the males.(posted)
Poverty riddled families are mostly belong to under-developed or developing countries, where the question of providing education to the female children does never arise. If so, happens in few cases, that the female children are put forwarded to the primary education centre, ,then their education can never enhance further, to touch the lavel of high school standard in future. What a miserable condition that those destitute female children confront, due to absolute poverty. The major families of those countries, belonging to the under-developed or developing countries, do not entertain or intend to bear anykinds of expanses, towards needful minimum education for their female children. The expenditure for providing education, has oftenly been treated as overburdenous by those poverty-stricken families. According to traditional perception,those families do not encourage education for the female children rather than engaging these children to their domestic works or any objectful returnable business.These ill-fated female children, are turned to be child labour, evaluating them as cheap inputs for their objectful return or output for the benefit of their families as a whole. It is indeed, a bias treatment on these innocent female children while the male children are exemted at the same time from doing so. It happens oftenly so in the poverty proned family, tha male children are introduced into the school for education. The poor families in the under-developed or developing countries, do carry such partial or prejudice evaluation in the approach of providing education to their children. It is the foundation like of establishing ‘gender disparity’that exists very clearly seen in those countries. ‘Gender disparity’ starts evidentally from this part of inequal dealing with the children respect to the provision for education to them. This inequality that is produced at the very early stage of the female childrens’ life, invite and encourage as well, many more such discriminating events to happen in their life in future.All they are compelled to shoulder silently by keeping them back to wall.
It hais been experienced repeatedly through different studies,that particularly in the under-developed or developing countries both,where the women are admitting or accepting such discrimination which has been prevailing the society. It is truly an unfair and illogical matter, that the men are enjoying the major advantages in all respect, by occupying the privileged position traditionally always in every time in the society. Such offensive deal or treatment, can never make or turn the womanhood to be hostile or defying at all.The women take all such undesireable and bias treatment on them as easily as well. They can do so, with the help of their ‘sustained tolerence’ that they desrve. Because, the women mostly here, had already been nurtured or seasoned in their early life during their childhood in this manner in their family, without protesting or resisting towards any kinds of partiality or imbalance treatment that oftenly had taken places to their life. It is seen also that, the entire society people nurture this discrimination as their inherent part of life that continues as common practice in the society.
Let us think, such admission of discrimination as indulged by the womanhood.Why the womanhood do tolerate such ‘treatment of underestimation’upon them? In the under-developped or developing countries,where poverty prone society can not think to allow any female children to get required education. Expenditure foe eduction purpose intrinsically is evaluated as nonreturnable in the case of female children. Such society counts always for the engagement of the female children for their own purpose with a view to achieving the best possible monetory return. These female children are utilized to replace the needful work- personal as to eliminate the cost involved with such execution. It is a pity that, despite the labour cost being saved by the female children even neither they are not properly compensated nor treated sincerely. Lack of education among these female children, allow the society to avail such opportunity in involving them into the domestic works or other purposes. Moderate education could lead these female kids to choose the better ways in their life. Education allows anyone to establish itself as independent “thinker”or “decision maker” in this society. Education enables human life to find the proper route to move ahead in right direction. So, necessary provision for education for such deprived and distressed children should be promoted with a lot of encouragement, by the state government nationwide. The government of the state should have required innitition and care for this important part of their life for new achievement. Proper steps taken in this regard, would result surely bettering bringing development for every nation as well as uplift the prestige and glory as well.
Free and compulsory education to every children,should be provided,by the government of the state, that could change the scenario overall. It such facility of acqwiring education, is available to every children at the grass root level of the society,then an individual’s intention and interest both would be concentrated towards such gaining from learning. Facilitated educational environment would ensure and aggravate the event of ‘children’s going to school’ significantly well.
Noone can deny,that education allows a person to walk in the road properly in its life. Education enables anyone to think of any matter rationally.It supports a person to act independently.Such environment to act independently is essensial to everyone. By acting independently,anyone could expose itself in bringing better life individually.Such individual betterment,could contribute development to the nation ultimately. Utilization of intelligentto the nation’s development, would be possible only through the extraction of the same from the children by encouraging them with necessary educational support. They should be equipped properly by providing required educucation and training in precedence. As to allow them to expose or diffuse.