Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Are We In Danger ?

Environment has greater impact on human life. Degraded or contaminated environment can produce so many difficulties and disorders in the life of human. Human life needs well supported and favourable environment inevitably to live satisfactorily. Wealth and money may provide us smoothness, comfortability and standard way of living in convenient manner. Our progress, our civilization whatsoever is achieved by us through the process of industrial growth and enhancement in our society, has deteriorated the condision of the environment terribly. We have gone far, by paying more attention emphatically on the industrial growth and technological advancement, just overlooking the vital matter of preserving the ‘environment’.
Environment generally ,is affected by industrial dust,fume, fosil of fuels that particularly emit carbon-di-oxide,carbon monoxide,sulphar-di-oxide like fatal gases. Those emitted gases are the well performer of bringing so many fatal diseases to the human life.More industry in the congested manner could be caused of such greater emission of fatal gases.We are living in danger! Present condition of the environment is threatening us severely. Environment covers a larger area of air, water,soil and others. Scarecity of drinking water is in increasing order day by day, and is generated from the mixing of industrial wasts in the natural sources of water and soil. Industrial wasts are really headache to the industry entrepreneurs. Without caring the gifts of nature properly, we are compelled to face the reaction and responses from the nature aggressively.The contaminated nature has been taking revenge to us.
At this crucial stage of environment, we have to take unending measures to safeguard it for the sake of human life. More plantation not only in the surrounding industrial areas but also here and there in our locality, beside our path, everwhere possibly.Contamination and wastage of drinking water should be restricted under rigid control strategically.Artificial water tank can be made by taking useless or discarded land. Such water tanks made artificially, could help in drought or summer season. Necessary measures are to be taken as to avail the chained effect as well to maintain ecological balance to keep our environment in such condition as it may not damage our civilization.

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