Thursday, August 27, 2009

Human Being Is Never Better Than An Animal.

Whether human being is better than animal, is likely to be an absurd question.Yes,I’d raise such futile and neglecting issue to the civic society. No doubt, we are at the peak of our advanced life,that we have achieved through various scientific innovations.What we couldn’t do today? A lot! Many more and more than it, which is indeed unimaginable and surprising. Human being possesses supreme power today that allows it to enjoy as well as dominate every corner of the world except ungovernable mighty ‘ natural calamity’. Indeed,we can take pride on our achievement.
But, despite our intelligence so high and abilty to perform manything exotically, but we have lost our conscience ang judging ability truely. We bring often violence severely for a futile issue. We become vindictive eventually to fulfil our desired target.We do not hesitate- to cheat one- to deprive one forcefully- and even to improvise and endanger someone. Today we are the followers of this motto “ More we have; More we want”.We commit many faults and offences, just to grab one that we’ve aspired for intensely.We,very often commit such offense allegedly in encroaching someone’s property inhumanly. We can not remain satisfied with whatever we have sufficiently although.
Let us look at the animal kingdom and follow their nature and approach to their daily fighting and adverse life. Any animal commits whatever, for fulfilling its appetite, is not irresonable and can never be said offensive at all. That animal, ingeneral does not involve itself in hunting further until it faces hunger again. It signifies that, an animal is neither provoked nor induced by any hauntable object or it does not commit any atrocious dealings at all before it is dominated by hunger. No appetite,no hunting-The animal kingdom follow the custom at least.
So it is obvious that, an animal remains satisfied after the fulfillment of its minimum needs while human being remains dissatisfiedand thirsty after the fulfillment of its minimum needs and involves in hunting intentionally for furthermore.Human behaviour signify, to be more selfish and vindictive more than animals.

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