Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Animal Kingdom Is Destroyed By Us.

Although be the ferocious animal, tiger is very beautiful creation of nature.A forest without any tiger has no importance to the forest lovers.It increases a different attraction to be in the forest. About five thousand tigers are seen in India. The number of tigers are coming down day by day in our country.Among the possible causes, the prime cause is ‘poaching’ of this animal. A few unscrupulous traders are involved in selling the tiger’s skin,bone, nails etc.There are few riches who love to keep the decent skin of the tiger in their drawing room for beautification. Again the bones of the tiger is used in a traditional process of making medicine. Thus a secret trading is still running, taking with the tiger.Moreover abundant forestry buisenesses have inflicted the habitats of the tiger which led them to be disappeared. Finally,the climatic effect which has generated the inadequacy of foods for the tiger due to haphazard migration of other animals from haunting area of the tiger.

The same scenario could be seen in the case of birds. Rapid urbanization,high building,treeless locality are the possible causes of disappearing of birds.The birds are loosing their nests and easy flying zones as well. The rising temperature of the earth and ecological imbalance has brought obstruction to their natural movements. Even their survival.is severly affected by the unruly climatic condition. We have destroyed many trees and plants, ponds and natural water reservoir,bushes,where the birds prefer to dwell.Birds are today, grimously inflicted by human made difficulties.We, the mankind is responsible for the disappearing of nature gifted animals and birds unquestionably.

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